Good search engine optimization score is very much important for you guys, especially for those of you who have just started off your business. You should understand that the better the SEO score of a website will be, the more business it will eventually get, and not only that, but it will improve with respect to its ranking position.

Organic traffic is what you need for your website development and improvement, and that is what you will get if you focus on good seo, which mainly includes quality and unique content on your website.

Now coming to the question that we have to discuss today, how does copy or duplicate content affects your SEO score, well as we have already told you that unique content is a sign of good seo and can set a high score but at the same time if you are having any kind of duplication or plagiarism in the content may it be intentional or unintentional then you should know that it can seriously hurt your SEO score and can result in bad search engine optimization. Below we have mentioned some points that seriously affect your SEO score!

  • Having copied content is one of the most negative indicators of bad seo, and if you have it on your website, then you should get ready for a lot of penalties and being kicked out in some cases!
  • Having spun content on your website is yet another negative indicator of bad seo and has the same severe consequences as plagiarism, as you should know that spinning content is indirectly copying someone’s work along with fooling the search engines!
  • Low-quality content with an irrelevant stuffing of keywords is yet another aspect of negative seo! 

Now you guys should focus on the point that you have to make sure that your content on the website is natural and is super unique and to make sure of it, and you have to take help from some tools. Yes! We are talking about plagiarism checker tools and their use.

Below we have listed out the top three tools on the web that can help you authenticate your existing website content and can also help you get rid of duplication in the new content that you are about to publish!

The first important tool that you should know about is by the famous website, better known as! You guys should know that this is one of the tools on the web which is best for all parties related to content writing, plus you should know that this is also a free and user-friendly tool!

The use of the tool is also very easy, and you just have to add text in the box by pasting it or writing it, you should know that this tool also allows you to check the content by uploading complete docs from your gallery and from cloud services.

The tool uses advanced plagiarism checker algorithms, which helps it in the detection of copied content even in the smallest sets of words! Go to this link and start using this tool!

Plagiarism checker free by smallseotools!

The plagiarism checker free tool by smallseotools is also known as the king of free tools on the web, and this is because of its reliability and accuracy in checking duplicate content!

We want you guys to know that this is one of the best plagiarism checker free tools on the web with a huge amount of features that you can only find in advanced paid tools!

The use and the working of the tool are very easy and are self-explanatory, and you can check it yourself by going to this link, but below we have stated some features of it!

  • The tool has over ten billion web pages with respect to which your content is compared.
  • The tool has an automatic rewriting feature to get rid of plagiarism!
  • The tool has integrations with URL checking and cloud services!
  • The tool issues a complete plagiarism percentage report!
  • This plagiarism checker free tool also has word press plugins!

Plagiarism checker free by Duplichecker!

If you want to check a specific page for plagiarism, then we have another plagiarism checker free tool that can help you with this problem. This tool belongs to duplichecker and is known to be one of the most advanced free tools on the web.

The working of the tool is very simple, and you can just get the hang of it when you open up this link; if you have any confusion about the tool, then you can find the demo videos on the tool very useful.

Well, the feature of the tool that we will like you guys to know about is the webpage checking one. You can simply add the webpage URL in the tool and can easily detect any kind of duplication in your content and also if someone is misusing your content!


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